Please tell our readers a little bit about your background
Hi there, thank you for having me. So I’m a Techno artist based out in New York. My focus in the past 7 years has been how I can make interesting music on the modular. Originally my family is from Sao Paulo, Brazil and I’ve spent my early years there as a kid developing an interest in percussions found in Samba music. Right now, I’m currently running a label and finishing up school at Suny Purchase.
What is your favorite piece of hardware gear to work with and why?
Currently my favorite piece I own would have the be the Orthogonal Devices ER-301. If there is ever something I need but don’t have, the ER-301 fills in that spot for me. Whether its a delay, reverb or kick drum it’s a very powerful modular and can be almost whatever I want it to be. With the ER-301 users forum is also amazing. The community often share presets and patches of what they have made and you can simply download the patch to an SD card and open it up on the module.

Is there a specific VST plugin that radically changed your workflow?
Without a doubt it’s been Phase Plant by KiloHearts. I think Andrew Huang made a video about it which actually brought it to my attention. It works very similar to a modular in the sense that you can send modulation sources from virtually anywhere to anywhere.

Do you have a specific workflow when it comes to creating tracks. For instance, do you start with a beat or with a melody?
It’s always changing but recently I’ve found myself working on the beat first. I recently been starting of with kick and bass and from there I kinda just jam until I come across a loop that i’m like “this needs to be recorded”. Once that foundation is set, I multi track a performance into Ableton and do further editing in post.
Which aspect of music production do you feel you excel at?
I love arranging songs and think that’s probably what I’m best at when it comes to actually making a track.
Your best advice to get that kick drum pounding?
Layering. Layering. Layering. Also a plug-in called Trash by iZotope has been my little secret for kicks this past year.
Out of all the productions you have made, what would be your personal favorite?
It’s always hard to pick one but I think I’d have to go with a track I made called “Oct/2/1992”. This track pays tribute to the Carandiru massacre which took place on that day in Sao Paulo, Brazil. I stepped out of my comfort zone quite a bit with the making of this one. The creative process ended up being really fun and free flowing.
What is the best advice you have for other producers in the game?
I’d tell them to focus on their craft as much as they can and to put out music themselves. But most of all be consistent.
Is there anything else you would like to share?
I have a new EP, titled Artifacts, coming out on the 29th that I worked on with my friend Thomas Hessler. Can check that out on my label’s Bandcamp.
Where can people find you online?
I’m mostly on Instagram which is @FadeFace
From there I have links in my bio to all other platforms. Also my DM’s are super open for a chat or to anyone that wants to talk modular
Get the gear here:
Orthogonal Devices ER-301
Phase Plant by KiloHearts
Trash by iZotope